Sunday, August 5, 2007

When Desert Critters Come A Callin....

Maybe it's my imagination, but this has been one wet monsoon season for Tucson, and I've seen the critters to prove it! Tucson recorded 5.22 inches of rain for the month of July, and that's still only the sixth wettest July since records have been kept. Throughout the year most Tucsonans will see the occasional cricket or earwig (yes that really is an insect) scurrying across their floor, but when heavy rains make their way into the area, it's an insect free for all. On more then one occasion I've contemplated wearing a breathing mask for my morning run the day after a heavy rain so that I can breathe without inhaling a termite cloud. Understandably, desert natives like roaches, ants and scorpions head for higher and drier land when the ground gets saturated. Monsoon rains also increase termite activity. Local pest control companies have had a 20% increase in business as heavy rains flush insects from the desert floor. This is a good reason to have regular pest control treatments; it's better to take preventative measures before they become a problem. Also make sure to eliminate cracks around doors so that insects don't have a way in. And remember, these little critters are native to the desert and here to stay; just bear with them!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

these little critters are native to the desert and here to stay; just bear with them!

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