Saturday, June 21, 2008

Ozone levels high in Tucson during hot months

As I've mentioned in several other posts, it's really hot in Tucson right now. June is typically the hottest month here, and this year we're really seeing our share of 100+ temperatures. Unfortunately the extreme heat and intense sunlight trigger higher concentrations of ozone, wreaking havoc on those that suffer from respiratory problems.

Last Tuesday Tucson saw higher ozone readings then we've seen in over two years. For those with lung and respiratory problems, the smog and other particles associated with ozone can make it difficult to breathe. A few of my friends have commented that they've had some trouble breathing in the late morning and afternoon hours, when the sun and heat are strongest. One has had to receive medication to help control her asthma.

When Tucson sees this type of heat Pima County and the American Lung Association of Arizona generally issue advisories to the public, suggesting that people avoid outdoor activities. Most people try to head out for their walks, bike rides or runs early before temperatures begin to rise. Once the monsoon rains make their way into the area, the air will begin to clear and ozone levels will go down.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Once the monsoon rains make their way into the area, the air will begin to clear and ozone levels will go down.

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