Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Tucson residents looking for carpool buddies

A number of Tucson residents commute to Phoenix for work on a daily basis and the costs involved are breaking the bank for some. With fuel prices still high there's been a lot of talk about car pooling as a way to save money.

Even for those residents that work in the Tucson area, the commute to and from their jobs can be quite a drive. Some of Tucson's least expensive housing is located in rural areas that require long distance driving to get to local amenities, so driving to work just adds on the financial burden. I found a couple of great sites for Tucsonans looking to carpool locally or outside the city, and from what I've seen there's a lot of Tucson residents that are looking to share commuting expenses. Unfortunately Tucson doesn't utilize carpool lanes so the only advantage is saving money on gas!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

With fuel prices still high there's been a lot of talk about car pooling as a way to save money.

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