Thursday, October 4, 2007

Simple answers to simple questions make the expert

Just an observance on my part. A lot of my business comes from people relocating to or buying vacation homes in Tucson. One of my favorite things about these types of clients is that I get to introduce them to everything that the Tucson community has to offer. I often feel like a tour guide as I explain that you can't really get lost in Tucson as long as you're familiar with the mountain ranges that surround our city. One couple was extremely grateful when I explained that their small dog should be kept inside because of the wildlife in the area (visualize Red Hawks circling in the sky). Other clients were impressed when I could identify the plants in their potential home's yard and explain the growth cycle (they didn't want anything that bloomed or was high maintenance). It's those simple little answers to simple little questions that seem to impress some clients. I take all this "knowledge" I have for granted; it's just comes from knowing the desert lifestyle and community. If this makes me a pro, than I'll take it. I guess I'm just trying to say that I really love this part of my job.

I think the general public underestimates the knowledge a real estate professional needs to be successful. Sure we're all educated in the "rules and regulations" of our industry, and we continue to educate ourselves each year, whether it's because we're passionate about learning or because we need a few more credits under our belt. Still I think it takes a little more then knowing the legalities of real estate to be successful. Having a thorough knowledge of your community is very important, and I'm not talking about neighborhood sales statistics. A lot of people just want to know the ins and outs of daily living. When trying to decide if Tucson was the right place to relocate, many of my clients wanted information about common, everyday things;
  • Where's the best place for Mexican food that's close by ?
  • Do you need to worry about wild animals? Do you see very many snakes?
  • How far of a drive is the airport/downtown?
  • Is there a Trader Joe's here? How far away is it?
  • What's a typical heating/cooling bill run?
  • Does Tucson have any restrictions on water usage?
  • What kind of pests/insects do homeowners have problems with? Are they dangerous and how do you handle them?

Now these are not complicated questions that only an educated person can answer. If you've lived in Tucson for any amount of time you know (hopefully) and can answer these questions. I've just found, in my experience anyway, that if you're familiar with the everyday, common aspects of your community and you can answer questions like these, clients are impressed. I guess they feel that if you can answer similar questions off the top of your head then you know your community and are an expert. Of course it's not going to do you any good if you know your community but haven't got the faintest idea of how to write and negotiate a successful contract; there's more to it then that. I just think in some peoples eyes a well rounded real estate agent tends to stand above the crowd and shine as the expert.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Simple answers to simple questions make the expert
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